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JBP Pond Food Range

For the development of products for aquariums, terrariums and garden ponds it is important to start off with information about the animals’ way of life and habitats as a basis. As a reputable manufacturer with very high standards JBL does not rely on dubious reports from the internet or information from outdated literature. That’s why JBL runs its own research center, employing experienced scientists, and also organises annual research expeditions to the home areas of the aquarium and terrarium animals, so as to build up our knowledge first hand.  We are pleased to offer both there seasonal specific and functional (i.e. growth, colour) based pond foods.



Natural, energy-optimised nutrition. Behind this new range of food lies the optimum ratio of proteins to fats in the food for the winter season. Looking at this season specifically, the fish would only need half as much protein in winter (2:1) as in summer (4:1). 


  • Complete food with the right protein/fat ratio 2:1 in accordance with the NEO index which takes temperature, function, animal size and age into account

  • With wheat, salmon, fish oil, shrimp and corn for vigorous and healthy koi (at 5 -15 °C water temperature)

  • Food size S (3 mm) for fish 15-35 cm, M (6 mm) for fish 35-55 cm L (9 mm) for fish 55-85 cm and 

  • Sinking food pearls with 18 % protein, 11 % fat, 2 % crude fibre and 6 % crude ash

  • Food pearls in resealable bag (air, water and lightproof) for the preservation of quality



With JBL ProPond spring food, although the food composition may seem the same as Autumn because spring and autumn have the same water temperatures and the proper protein/fat ratio is 3:1 however the purposes of the foods are very different and therefore also their composition: In spring the fish need to be made fit and pepped up after the stress of winter, to fend off spring viremia etc.  In spring the fish become active again and may come to the water surface for feeding (this is your opportunity to check them for any diseases). That’s why the spring food floats


  • Complete food with the right protein/fat ratio 3:1 in accordance with the NEO index which takes temperature, function, animal size and age into account

  • With salmon, soya, shrimp, wheat, spinach and spirulina for vigorous and healthy koi (at 10-20 °C water temperature)

  • Food size  S (3 mm) for fish 15-35 cm and M (6 mm) for fish 35-55 cm.

  • Floating food wafers with 25 % protein, 8 % fat, 3 % crude fibre and 8 % crude ash.

  • Food wafers in resealable bag (air, water and lightproof) for the preservation of quality.



NEO intex literally means: natural, energy-optimised nutrition. Behind JBL Foods lies the ratio of proteins to fats in the food. Looking at this season alone, the fish would only need double as much protein in summer(4:1) as in winter(2:1). But because not only the season (meaning the water temperature), but also the size and age of the fish, and food function (e.g. growth food = ProPond Growt) play determining roles, the der NEO index has been developed to deal with all these factors in one


  • Complete food with the right protein/fat ratio 4:1 in accordance with the NEO index which takes temperature, function, animal size and age into account

  • With corn, salmon, soya, shrimp, gammarus and spirulina for vigorous and healthy koi (at 20-30 °C water temperature)

  • Food size L (9 mm) for fish 55-85 cm.

  • Floating food pearls with 28 % protein, 7 % fat, 3 % crude fibre and 8 % crude ash

  • Food pearls in resealable bag (air, water and lightproof) for the preservation of quality




although the water temperature and therfore correct protein to fat ratio for spring and autumn food is identical at 3:1, the food composition is totally different! In autumn, the fish are expected to live off their fat reserves to stay healthy through the coming winter. Furthermore there is the different sinking behaviour of the food: In autumn however the fish need to relax and eat at the bottom, Therefore the autumn food is designed to sink.


  • Complete food with the right protein/fat ratio 3:1 in accordance with the NEO index which takes temperature, function, animal size and age into account

  • With wheat, salmon, fish oil and krill for vigorous and healthy pond fish (at 10-20 °C water temperature)

  • Food size M (6 mm) for fish 35-55 cm.

  • Sinking wafers with 28 % protein, 10 % fat, 2 % crude fibre and 6 % crude ash

  • Food wafers in resealable bag (air, water and lightproof) to preserve the quality



All Season


  • Complete food with the right protein/fat ratio 3:1 in accordance with the NEO index which takes temperature, function, animal size and age into account

  • With wheat, salmon, spinach and spirulina for vigorous and healthy pond fish (at 10-25 °C water temperature)

  • Food sizes S (8 mm) for fish 15-35 cm. and M (14 mm) for fish 35-55 cm.

  • Floating sticks with 24 % protein, 7 % fat, 4 % crude fibre and 8 % crude ash

  • Food sticks in resealable bag (air, water and lightproof) for the preservation of quality










Your young koi also will grow without growth food (JBL ProPond Growth), but they will grow more slowly and their body will not develop the beautiful shape it does when using this food.


Complete food with the right protein/fat ratio 6:1 in accordance with the NEO index which takes temperature, function, animal size and age into account

  • With salmon, shrimp, spirulina, fish oil for optimal growth (at 15-25 °C water temperature)

  • Food size XS (1.5 mm) for fish 5-15 cm, S (3 mm) for fish 15-35 cm, M (6 mm) for fish 35-55 cm and L (9 mm) for fish 55-85 cm.

  • Floating pearls with 52 % protein, 9 % fat, 2 % crude fibre and 10 % crude ash

  • Food pearls for growth in resealable bag (air, water and lightproof) for the preservation of quality




The prebiotic ingredients of JBL ProPond Fitness provide ideal conditions for good health, even when the temperatures are varying wildly in times of seasonal change! The protein/fat ratio of 5:1 in the food helps your fish to compensate for their high metabolism without drawing on their energy reserves. This way they have enough energy to fight diseases and other issues. 

  • Complete food with the right protein/fat ratio 5:1 in accordance with the NEO index which takes temperature, function, animal size and age into account

  • With salmon, spirulina and prebiotic beta glucanes for a a vigor promoting diet (at 15-25 °C water temperature)

  • Food size S (3 mm) for fish 15-35 cm, M (6 mm) for fish 35-55 cm and L (9 mm) for fish 55-85 cm.

  • Floating wafers with 38 % protein, 8 % fat, 3 % crude fibre and 9 % crude ash

  • Fitness wafers in resealable bag (air, water and lightproof) for the preservation of quality



JBL ProPond Color will bring out the colours of your fish and also make sure that the fish will retain their beautiful colours after purchase, because retailers generally feed this food to show off their fish in their most beautiful colours. It will also help younger fish (mostly two years old) to develop their colours properly when they are 3-5 years old. If you regularly feed your fish with ProPond Color their colours will show up more intensely, even at an older age.


  • Complete food with the right protein/fat ratio 4:1 in accordance with the NEO index which takes temperature, function, animal size and age into account

  • With salmon, shrimps, soya and astxanthin for perfect colours (at 10-25 °C water temperature)

  • Food size S (3 mm) for fish 15-35 cm, M (6 mm) for fish 35-55 cm and L (9 mm) for fish 55-85 cm.

  • Floating pearls with 36 % protein, 9 % fat, 3 % crude fibre and 9 % crude ash

  • Colour enhancing food pearls in resealable bag (air, water and lightproof) for the preservation of quality

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